
Saturday Jan 20, 2018
GC&G10: Season 2? New Year's Revelations & Podcon Recap.
Saturday Jan 20, 2018
Saturday Jan 20, 2018
The Grilled Cheese & Gin Word of the Year: Grow
- Music by Scott Haskin www.scotthaskin.com
- Producing and Creative Art by Cassie Soliday, http://cassiesoliday.tumblr.com
- Podcatchers: iTunes, Google Play, and more to come
- Email grilledcheeseandgin@gmail.com
- Support www.patreon.com/grilledcheeseandgin
- Follow us
- website http://grilledcheeseandgin.com
- Twitter @grilledchezgin
- Pinterest GrilledCheeseandGin
- Facebook GrilledCheeseandGin
- Instagram GrilledChezandGin

Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Trigger & Content Warning: Child Abuse, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Rape, Trump, Language.
Special Extra Episode of Grilled Cheese & Gin.
This is a raw recording of our conversation about the Me, Too movement. Our feelings about why people posted Me, Too - and reasons why they didn't.
Sending love and strength to all the people who have chosen to post - and all of those who chose not to post.
Branwen's Tiny Letter Archive: https://tinyletter.com/BranwenZak/archive

Friday Sep 29, 2017
GC&G8: Pleasure Ploys
Friday Sep 29, 2017
Friday Sep 29, 2017
GC&G8: Pleasure Ploys
In this episode we interview Kim Faubel, Director of Marketing & Sales for Clandestine Devices, the creators of the award-winning and game changing sex toy called the Mimic. We find out why she’s passionate about the adult toy industry and its advancements in health and education. Also, we talk about a pink drink, geese, and loud vibrators. Somewhere in there we find out that Vicki’s dream toy is actually available IRL! Here are some links to things we discuss in the ep:
If you would like to be a part of this podcast, please support us on Patreon. If you give just $1 to “Put Some Butter on our Bread” we will mention you in future episode credits. Check it out at www.patreon.com/grilledcheeseandgin Also, please rate us and review us on iTunes and tell all your friends about us by tweeting and sharing us on all your favorite social media.
- Music by Scott Haskin www.scotthaskin.com
- Producing and Creative Art by Cassie Soliday, http://cassiesoliday.tumblr.com
- Podcatchers: iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher
- Email grilledcheeseandgin@gmail.com
- Support www.patreon.com/grilledcheeseandgin
- Follow us
- website http://grilledcheeseandgin.com
- Twitter @grilledchezgin
- Pinterest GrilledCheeseandGin
- Facebook GrilledCheeseandGin
- Instagram GrilledChezandGin

Friday Sep 15, 2017
GC&G7: Home Buying
Friday Sep 15, 2017
Friday Sep 15, 2017
GC&G7: Home Buying
In this episode we interview Theresa Ryan, Los Angeles Realtor and actress. We find out how she got into real estate and ask her why people should or do buy homes. We have sexy time with enchiladas and explain why you will hear the non sequitur “Naked Front Yard” when driving around with Jessica & Jacob. Here are some links to things we discuss in the ep:
Theresa’s realtor info
Theresa’s webseries!
Chicago Architecture Boat Tours - See the triangular Swissotel from the water
Make some enchiladas
If you would like to be a part of this podcast, please support us on Patreon. If you give just $1 to “Put Some Butter on our Bread” we will mention you in future episode credits. Check it out at www.patreon.com/grilledcheeseandgin Also, please rate us and review us on iTunes and tell all your friends about us by tweeting and sharing us on all your favorite social media.
- Music by Scott Haskin www.scotthaskin.com
- Producing and Creative Art by Cassie Soliday, http://cassiesoliday.tumblr.com
- Podcatchers: iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher
- Email grilledcheeseandgin@gmail.com
- Support www.patreon.com/grilledcheeseandgin
- Follow us
- website http://grilledcheeseandgin.com
- Twitter @grilledchezgin
- Pinterest GrilledCheeseandGin
- Facebook GrilledCheeseandGin
- Instagram GrilledChezandGin

Thursday Aug 31, 2017
GC&G6: Catching up LIVE! from Northfield, MN
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
GC&G6: Catching up LIVE! from Northfield, MN
Yes, we talk about the weather. Yes this is a 2 hour meandering conversation about a lot of tiny little topics. yes we get very drunk by the end and have impassioned conversations and express obscure opinions. It's a good time.
This was recorded during Jessica & Jacob's Wisconsin vacation where they went on a cheese tour and then came to visit Vicki & Aubrey for a few days.
At the end we do a dramatic reading of a grilled cheese recipe book and discuss the true definition of a "Grilled Cheese."
Suggested listening options: During a long bath, in the car while you are driving for two hours, while cleaning out your closet, or you can listen in small chunks and savor each morsel. Musical interludes signal you when there is a change of subject so that you can divvy up your listening accordingly.
New levels of Patreon support are available! www.patreon.com/grilledcheeseandgin we would love to start a little community over there talking about changable dreams.
- Music by Scott Haskin www.scotthaskin.com
- Producing and Creative Art by Cassie Soliday, http://cassiesoliday.tumblr.com
- Podcatchers: iTunes, Google Play, and more to come
- Email grilledcheeseandgin@gmail.com
- Support www.patreon.com/grilledcheeseandgin
- Follow us
- website http://grilledcheeseandgin.com
- Twitter @grilledchezgin
- Pinterest GrilledCheeseandGin
- Facebook GrilledCheeseandGin
- Instagram GrilledChezandGin

Thursday Aug 17, 2017
GC&G5: Back to School? Me? I could never! ... okaaay.
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
GC&G5: Back to School? Me? I could Never! ... okaaay.
In this episode we talk about our higher education experiances as well as interview Amanda Gardner, Phd sutdent at Baylor University studying Curriculum and Teaching. There is so much covered in this episode from cost of education to whether you should really take the plunge.
If you give just $1 to “Put Some Butter on our Bread” we will mention you in future episode credits. Also, please rate us and review us on iTunes and tell all your friends about us by tweeting and sharing us on all your favorite social media.
- Music by Scott Haskin www.scotthaskin.com
- Producing and Creative Art by Cassie Soliday, http://cassiesoliday.tumblr.com
- Podcatchers: iTunes, Google Play, and more to come
- Email grilledcheeseandgin@gmail.com
- Support www.patreon.com/grilledcheeseandgin
- Follow us
- website http://grilledcheeseandgin.com
- Twitter @grilledchezgin
- Pinterest GrilledCheeseandGin
- Facebook GrilledCheeseandGin
- Instagram GrilledChezandGin

Friday Aug 04, 2017
GC&G4: Travel: Let’s Unpack That
Friday Aug 04, 2017
Friday Aug 04, 2017
//EPISODE #4 Travel:Let's Unpack That
In this episode Vicki considers teaching again, Jessica updates her Linkedin Profile & Aubrey gets into Roller Derby Bootcamp. We discuss traveling for work, pleasure, and out of necessity and how we make all of those things more fun and interesting. Vicki interviews Megan Jung about her year teaching in South Korea and how she was able to travel while teaching. After we satisfy our wanderlust we discuss our problematic favorite: Game of Thrones which Jessica has opinions about & Vicki has never seen.
For the first 3 weeks after launch from July 20-August 3, 2017 we launching our first Patreon. If you give just $1 to “Put Some Butter on our Bread” we will mention you in future episode credits. Also, please rate us and review us on iTunes and tell all your friends about us by tweeting and sharing us on all your favorite social media.
- Music by Scott Haskin www.scotthaskin.com
- Producing and Creative Art by Cassie Soliday, http://cassiesoliday.tumblr.com
- Podcatchers: iTunes, Google Play, and more to come
- Email grilledcheeseandgin@gmail.com
- Support www.patreon.com/grilledcheeseandgin
- Follow us
- website http://grilledcheeseandgin.com
- Twitter @grilledchezgin
- Pinterest GrilledCheeseandGin
- Facebook GrilledCheeseandGin
- Instagram GrilledChezandGin

Friday Jul 21, 2017
GC&G3: Redefining the Side Hustle
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Friday Jul 21, 2017
In this episode we intreview creative entrepenur Jody Rice. In 2012, having left a career in the theatre for what some of us would call a glamorous life in film, Jody pivoted again in order to develop a sucessful and growing business out of a separate creative side-hustle.
Vicki and Jessica discuss lots of questions about side hustles vs. jobs, as well as problematic waterparks, making French 75s, and a marketing conference joy ride on a mid-western wedding trolley.
For the first 3 weeks after launch from July 20-August 3, 2017 we launching our first Patreon. If you give just $1 to “Put Some Butter on our Bread” we will mention you in future episode credits. Also, please rate us and review us on iTunes and tell all your friends about us by tweeting and sharing us on all your favorite social media.
- Jody's Co. Satsuma Street https://www.etsy.com/shop/SatsumaStreet
- Music by Scott Haskin www.scotthaskin.com
- Producing and Creative Art by Cassie Soliday, http://cassiesoliday.tumblr.com
- Podcatchers: iTunes, Google Play, and more to come
- Email grilledcheeseandgin@gmail.com
- Support www.patreon.com/grilledcheeseandgin
- Follow us
- website http://grilledcheeseandgin.com
- Twitter @grilledchezgin
- Pinterest GrilledCheeseandGin
- Facebook GrilledCheeseandGin
- Instagram GrilledChezandGin

Friday Jul 21, 2017
GC&G2: Finding a Job That Doesn't Make you Physically Ill
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Friday Jul 21, 2017
This is the episode where we prove that we just like talking to eachother because our catch-up session go out of control. We inteview Cassie about chaining jobs in usteady industry - and thriving. As well as give a few tips and tricks about learning to look for a jobs in a new way.
For the first 3 weeks after launch from July 20-August 3, 2017 we launching our first Patreon. If you give just $1 to “Put Some Butter on our Bread” we will mention you in future episode credits. Also, please rate us and review us on iTunes and tell all your friends about us by tweeting and sharing us on all your favorite social media.
- Music by Scott Haskin www.scotthaskin.com
- Producing and Creative Art by Cassie Soliday, http://cassiesoliday.tumblr.com
- Podcatchers: iTunes, Google Play, and more to come
- Email grilledcheeseandgin@gmail.com
- Support www.patreon.com/grilledcheeseandgin
- Follow us
- website http://grilledcheeseandgin.com
- Twitter @grilledchezgin
- Pinterest GrilledCheeseandGin
- Facebook GrilledCheeseandGin
- Instagram GrilledChezandGin
- Patreon: patreon.com/cassiesoliday for Diary Comics
- Cassie's Instagram: @cassiesoli
- Ink and paint girls podcast at inkandpaintgirls.com

Friday Jul 21, 2017
GC&G1: Moving for Your Spouse and Premiere!
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Welcome to the first episode of Grilled Cheese & Gin, the podcast where we talk about woman-ing, realizing your changeable dream and listening to women much more experienced than us talk about their zig-zag path toward those moving targets.
The term “Changeable dream” is our short-hand for the way we reconsider and remake our dreams and aspirations based on new opportunities and challenges. For example, instead of pursuing the career dream of achieving certification as a Unicorn Counselor (our 7-year old self advised us to charge only $10 for a 1-hr session), we may instead decide that we have an interest in recording our conversations with our friends who give US great advice that we could in turn share with other woman-ers. We never want to give up on our dreams but sometimes they can change with the winds of reality and the sands of actual university available certifications.
In this first episode we interview Beth Scott who moved with her spouse so that he could go to school and advance his career and eventually moved again after he got a job in another city. She decided to also advance her career while he was in training and after some strategic efforts found an amazing opportunity in their new city. Vicki and Jessica explain the name of the podcast and why they launched it and discuss their very present tense moving for a spouse’s job stories and share tips in case you are also in the very present tense sitting on a couch wondering what you are going to do after you finish the last episode of American Gods...or Glow...or the entire movie and credits of Moana. (Please finish those first. Totally worth it :-) )
For the first 3 weeks after launch from July 20-August 3, 2017 we launching our first Patreon. If you give just $1 to “Put Some Butter on our Bread” we will mention you in future episode credits. Also, please rate us and review us on iTunes and tell all your friends about us by tweeting and sharing us on all your favorite social media.
- Music by Scott Haskin www.scotthaskin.com
- Producing and Creative Art by Cassie Soliday, http://cassiesoliday.tumblr.com
- Podcatchers: iTunes, Google Play, and more to come
- Email grilledcheeseandgin@gmail.com
- Support www.patreon.com/grilledcheeseandgin
- Follow us
- website http://grilledcheeseandgin.com
- Twitter @grilledchezgin
- Pinterest GrilledCheeseandGin
- Facebook GrilledCheeseandGin
- Instagram GrilledChezandGin